IR Bodywrap can help you lose weight in the new year. Six large warm pads were wrapped around your upper arms, waist, hips, and thighs. After an hour, I was completely soaked - and very happy. The process would continue overnight after the bodywrap was removed. Infrared treatments are used by medical practitioners all over the world because they are one of the most resonant (closely matched) forms of heat for the human body.
The infrared therapeutic treatment helps to unblock the Qi, increase energy, and improve body function by increasing circulation. An infrared treatment can induce 2-3 times the amount of sweat as a traditional sauna. The FDA has approved the use of infrared therapy for pain relief, and more is being discovered on a daily basis. Once acclimated to the sauna, it can burn up to 900+ calories per session.
Did you know you could lie down, take deep breaths, and burn 900+ calories?
I didn't either...
And it sounded too good to be true, so I did some independent research to learn more about this ostensibly wonderful bodywrap treatment.
I had to give it a shot first. Let's face it, if it doesn't feel good and produce results, it's not worth all of the research into how it works and everything else. So I put on my cotton sweatpants and drove up to Ventura, California to give it a shot. I was hydrating and drinking water as I drove up Highway 101.
Before the bodywrap, I measured the circumference of my upper arms, ribcage, waist, hips, and upper thighs and saved the measurement. I was skeptical, but you never know until you try. I wasn't expecting anything to change.
Six large warm pads were wrapped around my upper arms, waist, hips, and thighs as I lay down on a table. Then I was wrapped in a blanket and padded with towels where necessary, and it was that simple. I could hear soothing music, and it was wonderful to do a breathing meditation and take an hour to myself.
Because I'm a lizard who enjoys the heat, the pads got warmer and warmer until I broke a good sweat. I continued to sweat profusely. I hadn't sweated that much since my favorite dance classes at Broadway Dance Center in New York City a few summers ago, and I knew I'd enjoy this treatment. I had been too preoccupied with starting a business and returning to school to keep myself in shape like I used to. I reasoned that this bodywrap thing might be a good way to get myself back on track.
After an hour, I was completely soaked - and very happy. I remeasured myself and found that I had lost 3 inches in total. It wasn't much, but the treatment felt so good that it didn't matter, and I drove home while drinking another large bottle of water. The gentleman who assisted me with the treatment told me that the process would continue overnight after the bodywrap was removed and that the more fluids I consumed, the better, so I took his advice and planned to measure myself again in the morning.
To my surprise, when I measured myself the next morning, I had lost a total of 13 inches! Wow! I called them, and they said it was above average - possibly because I ate well and stayed hydrated - but I was ecstatic. I had to find out more...
So, how exactly does this Infrared BodyWrap function?
Infrared light, which we perceive as heat in our bodies, is a plentiful form of energy that we receive from sunlight. Every second of every day, we emit infrared heat (The army uses infrared binoculars for night vision – to see humans in the darkness). It is a natural part of our human biology. I would learn that FAR Infrared treatments are used by medical practitioners all over the world because they are one of the most resonant (closely matched) forms of heat for the human body.
Radiant heat, also known as infrared energy, is a type of energy that exists in the electromagnetic spectrum. After all, we are all electrons, protons, and neutrons arranged in various patterns that can be described by electrical principles.
The infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum occurs just below red light waves and is not visible to humans but can be felt as heat. (This explains the night vision binoculars example from earlier). The sun generates the majority of its energy in the form of infrared energy, which our atmosphere allows in and the earth radiates back - we are constantly surrounded by infrared waves when we are out in nature. But, in these days of indoor living, SPF sunblock and avoiding the sun are essential.
On average, our bodies emit infrared energy at a wavelength of 9.4 microns. The normal internal production of infrared energy within us is associated with a variety of healing responses and may require a boost to assist the fullest healing response to assist homeostasis, metabolism, and tissue under repair.
According to Oriental / Chinese Medicine, when our circulation is obstructed (described in Chinese Medicine as Blocked Qi flow), our body's healing capacity, metabolism, and daily functioning suffer. The infrared therapeutic treatment helps to unblock the Qi, increase energy, and improve body function by increasing circulation. In an Oriental Medicine Treatment, moxa, cupping, infrared lamps, and gua sha are all related but distinct methods of achieving the same result.
Because of the unique nature of the wavelength, FAR Infrared heat therapy (i.e. bodywrap) activates a more thorough and extensive stimulation of local circulation, which positively impacts enzymes, metabolism, and immune function when used as a treatment. Through an increase in circulation and metabolism, IR therapy assists the body in removing toxins and cellulite that have become trapped in the tissue. This process had been "accelerated" by the bodywrap treatment I had received.
So, how does all of this calorie burning take place?
An infrared treatment can induce 2-3 times the amount of sweat as a traditional sauna without creating a claustrophobic feeling, drying out the sauna, or putting undue stress on the cardiovascular system. I know I can barely last 10 minutes in a regular sauna, but I easily lasted an hour in this bodywrap treatment.
According to the best research on this type of infrared treatment, "regular use may be as effective as a means of cardiovascular conditioning and calorie burning as regular exercise." in the Journal of the American Medical Association
Association formed on August 7, 1981. Indeed, NASA concluded in the early 1980s that infrared therapy would be an excellent way to stimulate cardiovascular function during long space missions.
Someone who is not used to saunas can easily sweat 500 grams and consume 300 kcalories, which is equivalent to 30 minutes of jogging. The bodywrap is a great way to relax in between workouts and, once acclimated to the sauna, it can burn up to 900+ calories per session. But keep in mind that hydration is critical; you must constantly replenish fluids to see results.
The advantages of infrared therapy are numerous. According to research from Sweden, Japan, Finland, China, and Germany, there is a long list of conditions that can be treated, including:
Arthritis and Joint Pain
Injuries from Acne Soft Tissue
Eczema and Menstrual Pain
Wound Repair
GI Issues
Circulation of the Heart
ache and stiffness
Loss of Pounds
Autonomic, Endocrine, and Immune Function
The FDA has approved the use of FAR infrared treatment for pain relief, and more is being discovered on a daily basis. I still need to do more research, but this was sufficient for me. I decided to give it another shot and learn more.
As a result, I now offer it in my practice and medspa... I hope I've opened your eyes to something new, different, and beneficial. If this sounds interesting to you, I've provided a starting point.
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