Weight Loss and Maintenance Have Been Made So Simple
Each year, nearly 300,000 people die as a result of weight-related disease. The pH Factor Weight-Management System combines a healthy eating plan, exercise, water consumption, and nutrition. This combination can assist you in raising your body pH and thus creating a healthy environment. The pH Factor Rapid Weight-Loss System will transform your body into a more efficient fat-burning machine. Order your supplies and get started TODAY.
The average diet is high in food with little to no nutritional value. This creates a significant weight-management issue. Acid in the body behaves similarly to acid outside the body. It generates waste, ages the skin, causes tissue degeneration, and causes major problems. Most health issues are caused by an excess of acid in the system.
Drinking plenty of clean water is essential to your success. Exercise has many advantages, including the ability to build lean muscle and burn extra calories, and improve overall health. When anything is done in excess, we risk becoming out of balance. Cutting out diet sodas and coffee from daily life was an extreme choice for one customer.
Millions of people spend billions of dollars on the same goal: effective weight management. Many people have struggled for years to maintain a healthy weight and body. With the majority of Americans being overweight or obese, the situation has deteriorated into a crisis. Each year, nearly 300,000 people die as a result of weight-related disease.
Every week, there seems to be a new fad diet designed to help you "lose weight." The issue is that the majority of these programs are ineffective. Some work for a few days, but then the weight returns. Others are dangerously unhealthy. People are looking for solutions to their weight-management problems in a variety of products and exercise equipment.
We believe that a healthy lifestyle is the key to effective weight management. The pH Factor Weight-Management System combines a healthy eating plan, exercise, water consumption, and superior nutrition to assist you in developing a healthy lifestyle.
The pH factor, we believe, is the missing key to this challenge for many. Because blood pH is so important to life, the body will go to any length to protect it. The typical diet consists of foods that, when digested, produce acid that enters the bloodstream. The body must neutralize this acid or face serious consequences. One of the primary buffers used by the body to deal with acid is fat. If the body is unable to neutralize acid, it stores it in fat cells.
We typically cut calories when attempting to lose fat. However, if our system remains acidic, the body burns muscle instead of fat, which would release more acid into the system. The pH Factor Weight-Management System assists you in identifying foods that cause excess acid in the system and provides alkaline products. This combination can assist you in raising your body pH and thus creating a healthy environment.
Tired of fighting to lose weight only to gain it all back? It's a dreadful cycle. It is not only depressing, but it is also unhealthy. ForMor has discovered what we believe to be the missing piece of the puzzle of long-term weight management. It is known as the pH Factor.
Thank you for visiting the pH Factor Rapid Weight-Loss System. This system's success necessitates strict adherence to the system. Failure to follow the system reduces the system's effectiveness and reduces your chances of achieving the desired result.
A healthy lifestyle is essential for weight management and overall health. This includes healthy eating, moderate and consistent exercise, plenty of water, and a good nutritional program. The pH Factor Rapid Weight-Loss System combines these into a straightforward program. We will transform your body into a more efficient fat-burning machine over the next 14 days. Order your supplies and get started TODAY. You won't be sorry!!!
The pH Factor, also known as the "potential for hydrogen," is a measurement used to determine whether something is acidic or alkaline. It is graded on a scale of 0 to 14, with 6.8 - 7.0 considered neutral. Anything less than 6.8 is considered acidic, and anything greater than 7.4 is considered alkaline. The pH of the blood is slightly higher than 7.3. If the pH of the blood changes, serious problems, including death, are likely. As a result, the body has several buffers in place to ensure that the blood pH remains constant.
The body's primary buffers are sodium, calcium, and body fat. When there is acid in the blood, the body looks for an alkaline substance to neutralize it. Sodium is the primary neutralizing agent, followed by calcium. In order to neutralize blood acid, the body actually takes calcium from the bones. If the acid cannot be easily neutralized, the body stores it in fat cells. This creates a significant weight-management issue.
Let's take a look at how it all works. Our bodies, like any machine, require fuel to function. Unfortunately, most people's fuel or food is not what their bodies require or desire. The body requires proper nutrition to function at its best. The average diet is high in food with little to no nutritional value.
The issue is much more complex than simply lower efficiency. The fuel we burn, like any machine, produces exhaust or byproducts, which are sometimes referred to as ash. On the cellular level, our food is burned as fuel in the body. The blood is the vehicle that transports food to the cell and also transports waste or exhaust away from the cell to be eliminated.
When you eat raw fruits and vegetables, your body breaks them down and sends them to your cells for fuel. The fuel is burned in the cell, and the exhaust is alkaline ash. When typical diet food is burned as fuel, the exhaust produced is acid ash. The acid is then carried through the bloodstream.
Because blood pH is so important to life, the body will go to any length to protect it. The body must neutralize this acid or face serious consequences.
Our goal is to reduce the amount of food that produces acidic ash while increasing the amount of food that produces alkaline ash.
Acid Effects Acid in the body behaves similarly to acid outside the body. It generates waste. It ages the skin, causes tissue degeneration, and causes major problems. Furthermore, most health issues are caused by an excess of acid in the system. Acid reduction is essential for long-term health.
Many people enjoy drinking a can of soda. Looking at the label, you'll notice that a can of soda is mostly acid. Soda has a pH of about 2.3. That is extremely dangerous. The body must work overtime to neutralize the acid in the system. To neutralize the acid, it uses sodium, calcium from the bones or teeth, or whatever else is available.
A small change in some of the foods we normally eat is part of this system. We understand that most people will not eliminate all of the bad food from their diet, so instead of eliminating it, we will recommend a reduction strategy.
The majority of people are dehydrated. Drinking plenty of clean water is essential to your success. To calculate your water requirements, convert your body weight to ounces and divide it by two (2) to get the number of ounces you should drink each day. The only thing that counts toward your daily intake is pure water. Even water mixed with Pro Factor Shakes does not contribute to your daily requirements. To get the best results, only drink distilled water that has been charged with Crystal Catalyst Concentrate. To one (1) gallon of distilled water, add one-half (12) ounce of Crystal Catalyst Concentrate.
Consistent exercise has many advantages, including the ability to build lean muscle, burn extra calories, and improve overall health. Commit to engaging in some form of physical activity for at least 20 minutes per day for ten (10) of the next 14 days. Walking, jogging, riding a bike, playing with your children or grandchildren, or other activities such as chasing your spouse around the house will all raise your heart rate. Make it something you want to do. Just make a commitment to it for the next two weeks.
Balance is desirable in life. When anything is done in excess, we risk becoming out of balance. Usually, it is not just one piece of cake or one soda that kills us. We create problems when we consume too many sodas, cakes, and other acid-producing foods. You can even become unbalanced on the opposite side. Most professional athletes and vegetarians live shorter lives than some couch potatoes. However, we must identify the excesses in our food consumption and make some drastic changes to bring them back into balance.
For example, one customer consumed 6-8 diet sodas per day. Eliminating diet sodas from his daily life was an extreme choice for him, but it was one of many extreme choices he has made. Others may prefer 6-8 cups of coffee per day, two desserts per day, or mid-afternoon candy bars. We do not recommend that you stop doing these things cold turkey. Rather, begin to exercise some self-control and discipline in these areas. Instead of eight sodas per day, limit yourself to two. Instead of four cups of coffee, limit yourself to one or two.
Instead of four packs of sugar in your tea, try one or two instead. Drink two glasses of water infused with Crystal Catalyst Concentrate instead of a late-night snack. Take the stairs once a day instead of taking the elevator. Reduce your portion sizes when eating. If you go to a buffet, only go through it once. Remove the notion that when you go to a buffet, "you have to get your money's worth" by eating as much as possible. The purpose of eating is to provide you with enough energy to get you to the next meal and nothing else. We strongly advise you to make some extreme choices for the best results.